Art Make & Take

Mrs. Tracey, (Rm. 231) & Mrs. Natacha Duval

Open to students, staff and teachers. The main idea is to make a particular ceramic project, one to "take" and one "donated" to the art department for fundraising. There is no actual club, it is open to anyone who wants to stay and create. We will ask for donations, but a donation is not necessary

A/V & Tech Club

Mrs. Hess (Rm 510)

Audio, Visual & Tech club is here to support the schools AV&T needs. Maintaing and managing the schools various sound systems, managing live streaming of school events and sports, and learning support tech skills to assist staff where possible. Join a solid group, earn service hours learn more real life skills in the AV&T world.


Mr. Holland (Rm 233)

​Meets Tuesdays 3:30-4:30. Gather to play chess and socialize. No experience required.

Creative Writing

Mrs. Ray (Rm. 613) & Mr. Davis

​Students gather to share ideas, work on creative writing projects, and get writing help if requested. Club will meet weekly, alternating between mornings and afternoons. See Mrs. Ray to be added to the Teams page.

Dance Team

Ashley Drinkard

Ms. Drinkard is an off campus sponsor. For more information, please email or call 850-602-4055.

Debate Team
speech and debate flyer

Mrs. Claudia Cassevah (Rm 02)

Join the Pace High Debate Team! You will learn to organize your ideas and structure the arguments of your speech to make them more understandable and convincing. You will practice active listening and learn to analyze the position of others with respect and empathy. You will improve your research techniques and your digital skills and support your speech with concrete data you will have to be able to analyze and contrast information from diverse sources. You will develop your ability to work in a team to achieve a common goal. You will increase your self-esteem and confidence when speaking in public. See Mrs. Cassevah for any questions.

Dungeons & Dragons

Mrs Penunuri

Meets Thursday mornings at 8:00. Learn to play D&D, create characters, participate in one-shot missions, breakout rooms, and more. $10 dues for supplies.

Mock Trial

Mr. Chism (Rm. 51)

Mock Trial is a team that will compete against other high schools to argue a case in front of judges. Students can play the roles of witnesses or attorneys. It’s a fun way to learn the law and gain valuable public speaking experience. The team will begin meeting weekly around mid-September, then twice weekly as competition dates get closer (January/February). The 2023 Regional competition is in March. No fee is required unless the team qualifies and travels to the state competition.

Robotics Club

Ms. Zanca (Rm 412)

Robotics consists of different teams that work together and compete against other high schools: Build, Design, Field, Programming, Booth, Website, Photography, Spirit, Marketing, and T-shirt design. The team will work together and decide what competition to participate in. Meetings will be once or twice a week, with both morning and afternoon times.